Sunday, April 20, 2008

Spirited Tunes

Here is a doodle I sketched one day. I decided it would make a cool painting so off I went.

I started off by making a green background:

I saved a scrap of vinyl from my last job and used the dot pattern for a cool background effect:
Next I thought it'd be cool if the MP3 player had a funky glow behind it,
so I cut out a stencil for it:
I also overlayed some of this window vinyl for another cool dot pattern/halftone effect.
Here is how the glow turned out:
Next I worked on the stencil of the Mp3 player and the spirits, I first started the screen:
Next I made the Mp3 player and shadow:
Here you can see me working on the spirits:
Here is the canvas with all the stenciling done.
After adding some details and faces the painting is done. I modeled the Mp3 player off of the Zune, I have one and love it to pieces.


I had a cool idea I wanted to try out for this next painting, I wanted to do a layered repeated background. So I started out making a sloppy yellow>orange gradient:

Next I took my stencil I used in some of my other paintings and started spraying:
Here you can see the final result. I thought it turned out really cool. I wasn't sure what exactly I was going to do next so I turned to my sketch book.
After some doodling I came up with a cute idea and started cutting out the next stencil:
Here are the new stencils in place:
Working on the lil monster dude:

Here is the painting so far with the monster in. I used some microns and paint markers to put in some more details:
Here is how the final turned out. I couldn't be happier :)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Stoplight Demons

I got a new job just north of Chicago and the transition has been an interesting one.
I come from a small little farm town in Wisconsin and the most annoying thing about Illinois are all the stoplights!!! I was sitting at this particular intersection and the stop lights made me
burst into the gigles:

I thankfully had my camera on me and snapped the above pic. I rushed back to the place I'm staying at and tossed the picture into photoshop and started painting away:

The lights turned to eyes and soon bodies took form. I used the smudge tool to swirl and
create the creatures and sculpt the photograph. After smudging out the general shapes I went back and painted and smudged some more.

Pretty soon the photograph turned into a bunch of silly demons in their cave.
This was really fun to make, especially looking at the original photograph to the final result.

Now instead of hating stoplights, I laugh and enjoy them because deep
down they are really just a bunch of silly demons.